Second International Meeting
On 28th and 29th September was organized the Second International Meeting of MOVE Project “New Competence for trainers” which took place in Gdansk, Poland. On behalf of National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski” in the meeting participated head assist. Prof. Hristo Andonov – researcher/expert in the Project and Aleksandra Gencheva – administrative expert in the Project.
The National Sports Academy has presented the results from the Cooperative Analysis of trainer’s needs, based on the First Inquiry of 300 coaches. The results show that the sports professionals in the four countries give high ratings to their competences in the sectors “Cooperation” and “Individual development “ following competencies in “Management and leadership” “and “Results and improvement”
The participants created the Second Inquiry which is designed for analyzing the sport consumers’ opinion of sport activity and the needed coach’ competences. 600 inquiries should be submitted till the end of November. Bulgaria should conduct the research within 100 people who do and do not sport. The results will be summarized by ASZ, Poland presenting the Second Cooperative Analysis.
During the meeting the SCEN, Italy has presented to all participants the. Official Project’s Website and the communication platform WikiMOVE., which aims to promote discussions among the stakeholders.
At the end of March 2017 will be organized the Third International Project’s Meeting which will took place in Bulgaria. On this meeting the experts are going to create a model of Learning Competence Units which will be tested by the four Partner Organizations.